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CPA: Spells List

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Spells, or Psionic Techniques, are discrete applications of each of the arcane skills in CPA that a gifted and trained caster can attempt to use. Use [CTRL-F] to search the spells on this page.

For more information on casting spells, see the skill checks page.

Below are the spell tables.

Spell School Level = Cost Spell Name TN to Cast Description Suggested Bonuses Suggested Costs
Chronomancy 1 Visions: 1 hour 10 Get hints about the potential past or future on a certain topic, within a 1-hour radius in time. More info. Less info, psychic damage, new threats, or it costs more SP.
Chronomancy 2 Visions: 1 day 12 Get hints about the potential past or future of a certain topic, within a 1-day radius in time. More info. Less info, psychic damage, new threats, or it costs more SP.
Chronomancy 2 Contrive Circumstance 12 Cast on a target as a reaction, before they are about to take an action, to let them make one non-arcane roll with +1. More targets or greater effect on one target. No effect, unintended effects, or costs more hp/sp.
Chronomancy 2 Accelerated Entropy 12 5-minute ritual, cast in a constructed area (building or vehicle). Within 10 minutes, building materials and interstitial connections will decay significantly faster to the point of causing a sudden hazardous collapse, rupture or similar hazard. More control. Lesser effect, unintended effects, or costs more hp/sp.
Chronomancy 2 Extended Respite 12 A ritual which you cast while resting. Unlike other rituals, it can be done while you sleep. The ritual must be uninterrupted, but it doubles the speed of the rest. For example a 4 hour rest would count as 8 hours, etc. More control. Lesser effect, unintended effects, or costs more hp/sp.
Chronomancy 2 Foresight 12 Cast, retroactively, and prove that you brought along a useful item that you could conceivably have had and brought from earlier. Doesn't work as well with expensive or ultra-powerful items, but might depending on context and roll. More accurate and powerful item results. Costs more SP or HP, produces a weaker item, or the item you thought you had turns out to be something dangerous, broken, rotten or bizarre.
Chronomancy 3 Visions: 1 week 14 Get hints about the potential past or future of a certain topic, within a 1-week radius in time. More info. Less info, psychic damage, new threats, or costs more sp.
Chronomancy 3 Portent 14 If you meet the spell's TN while casting this spell, then you can keep the roll result (i.e. the numbers on the dice) and give them to an ally anytime instead of them rolling. If you fail, then the GM will tell you a dark omen that is true. You can have up to 1 successful casting stored at a time. See description. See description.
Chronomancy 3 Compressed Study 14 Cast as a 10-minute ritual in a small sealed room. This spell allows you (only) to perform a day's worth of academic tasks by spending only 1 hour while the door to this room remains sealed. Leaves you mentally exhausted. Less exhaustion, longer duration. More exhaustion, more costs, shorter time, strange effects.
Chronomancy 3 Future Shunt Target's TN You touch a target person or object to send them a certain amount of time into the future, up to 4 hours. More control over the effect. May cost more hp/sp, or may have unintended effects and less control. At worst, the target may be shifted to an alternate timeline, may be replaced with an evil twin, may be sent back into the past, etc.
Chronomancy 4 Visions: 1 month 16 Get hints about the potential past or future of a certain topic, within a 1-month radius in time. More info. Less information, psychic damage, new threats, or may cost more sp.
Chronomancy 4 Haste 16 As an action, you commit concentration and increase the global speed of a biological person or creature. They become twice as fast as an ordinary person. If used in battle, they get +1 additional action per turn in addition to doubled movement speed. Lasts up to 1 minute. More targets or greater effect on one target. Lesser effect (perhaps they just gain a little more speed), unintended effects, or costs more hp/sp.
Chronomancy 4 Slow Target's TN Cast with concentration to attempt to slow an enemy or object. Their turns-per-round is reduced to 1, even for legendary foes. They drop to -1 in the combat order, have their movement statistic halved, and can take only 1 standard action on that turn. Lasts 1 minute of other people's time. More targets or you may stop them in time entirely. Less targets and less effects, or it costs more hp/sp.
Chronomancy 4 Probability Enhancement 16 Cast on a target to let them roll with +1 additional advantage die on all rolls for 1 minute. Requires concentration. More targets or greater effect on one target. Lesser effect (perhaps just a +1), unintended effects, or costs more hp/sp.
Chronomancy 4 Probability Curse Target's TN Cast on a target to cause them to suffer every kind of random difficulty and setback for 1 minute. If a roll is needed, then it is done with -1 disadvantage die. Requires concentration. More targets or greater effect on one target. Lesser effect (perhaps just a -1), unintended effects, or costs more hp/sp.
Chronomancy 5 Visions: 1 year 18 Get hints about the potential past or future of a certain topic, within a 1-year radius in time. More info. Less information, psychic damage, new threats, or may cost more sp or attract time-dwellers.
Chronomancy 5 Fork Timeline 18 Cast as a reaction when you don't like anything that happened in the past 1 minute. You roll back time by 1 minute. Only you remember what happened in the lost timeline. Better control, including more time. Loss of control over the amount of time. Potentially getting locked in an infinite time loop. Shifting to an alternate universe where things are different in a disfavorable way. Attract unfriendly entities.
Chronomancy 5 Deathfeint Lower of Threat's TN or 18 You can see the spirit of death approaching you, and dodge him at a cost. Cast as a reaction when you or an ally are about to die for any reason. The timeline is rearranged to leave the target with at least 1 hp. This may affect many things in the timeline. Better control and better results. Increasing amount of unfavorable changes to the timeline.
Chronomancy 5 Prophecy 18 30-minute ritual. Cast to make a prediction involving yourself or your environment within the next month. The prediction must be spoken in less than 30 seconds, during the casting. It will come to pass. Does not require concentration. The road is easy and it comes to pass in the best way. It comes to pass in a very unfortunate way.
Chronomancy 5 Time Stop 18 You stop time for 12 seconds (2 turns of 2 actions, or 4 actions) for everyone in the universe except the target person (usually yourself). Target can do anything they like. Note that machines do not function while time is stopped, and gravity only affects the target, not anything else. You get more time while time is stopped, or you can include more allies in the effect. You get less time, or time is only stopped in a small area, or only you are stopped.
Chronomancy 5 View Timestreams 18 Allows you to step outside of time into the temporal dimension and view several different ways that this situation might have been and might become. You cannot affect these; only view them. Time is stopped during the viewing, but you cannot take actions other than viewing. You get more viewing options, including knowledge how to bring about certain things. You step into the wrong dimension, or see things only going wrong with no hope for the future.
Chronomancy 5 Mass Slow Target's TN Cast with concentration to attempt to slow a group of enemies or objects in a 5' circle. Their turns-per-round is reduced to 1, even for legendary foes. They all drop to -1 in the combat order, have their speed statistic halved, and can take only 1 action. More targets or you may stop them in time entirely. Less targets and less effects, or it costs more hp/sp.
Chronomancy 5 Mass Haste 18 As an action, you commit concentration and increase the global speed of a group of people, animals or objects in a 5' circle. They become twice as fast as normal. If used in battle, they get +1 additional action per turn in addition to doubled movement speed. Lasts up to 1 minute. More targets or greater effect on one target. Lesser effect (perhaps they just gain a little more speed), unintended effects, or costs more hp/sp.
Chronomancy 6 Visions: Eternal 20 Get visions of the ancient past or far future of a certain topic, with no limits as long as you can identify what time period you want to view. More info. Less information, psychic damage, new threats, or may cost more EP/HP or attract time-dwellers.
Chronomancy 6 Time Travel 20 You may rewind time into the past or advance it into the future, up to your maximum time range, involving the party. Be warned that even on a perfect success, this will change many unrelated things, permanently, and cannot ever be undone. Finer control. You risk permanent loss of the reality of everything you hold dear.
Chronomancy 6 Timeline Jump 20 With this spell, you and your party can jump to the same time position in alternate universes. You cast this spell by phrasing it like this: "A timeline in which ____." The more conditions you add, the higher the difficulty and the more changes that get made. If you don't like the result, you can try to jump back, but reverting perfectly may be impossible. Few negative externalities. Many negative externalities.

Spell School Level = Cost Spell Name TN to Cast Description Suggested Bonuses Suggested Costs
Cryomancy 1 Chill 10 As an action, cast and concentrate to deeply chill an item, liquid, or area that is 1m cube or smaller and is within 10 meters to -16 degrees fahrenheit. This can be used to freeze real water into specific shapes, shrink metal, make things brittle, etc. If used to damage a creature, it deals 4 cold damage. Critical hits and high rolls on ice attack spells can freeze enemies. This means that for one round, they drop to 0 initiative and until then receive double damage from physical attacks. Note that cryomancy spells do not create ice or water but freeze local gases such as nitrogen, carbon dioxide (dry ice) or water vapor. More damage or bigger effects Less damage or weaker effects or costs more hp/sp.
Cryomancy 2 Ice Bolt Target's TN Cast as an action to condense and throw a sharp icy projectile, derived from ambient water vapor, at one target within 20 meters. They take 6 cold damage. Increased damage, range, a minor explosion etc. May hit an unintended target or costs more hp/sp..
Cryomancy 2 Protection from Cold 12 Cast and concentrate to protect up to 10 creatures from cold hazards and halve cold damage taken for up to 4 hours. The effect depends on the context and level cast, but will always help. They must remain within 10m of you for the duration. Increased protection. May affect less targets or cause unintended chilling effects or costs more hp/sp.
Cryomancy 2 Sense Cold 12 Cast and concentrate to sense and locate the local minimum temperatures within 1km. Increased range and information. Increased cost, less range or information.
Cryomancy 2 Curse of Frostbite Target's TN Cast as an action and concentrate to curse up to 6 creatures you can see to take double cold damage for up to 10 hours. While cursed, a small rune will appear somewhere on their skin like tattoo. Increased vulnerability. May affect less targets or be less effective or costs more hp/sp.
Cryomancy 2 Icy Floor 12 Cast and concentrate for up to 2 hours to make an area up to 20x20 meters become covered in frost and extremely slippery. Creatures and vehicles attempting to cross this area must roll well on an athletics, animals or driving check to avoid sliding or falling. May become extra slippery and may cause cold damage when walked on. May affect an area that is too small or too large, or may just make everything wet or costs more hp/sp.
Cryomancy 2 Chill Area 12 Cast and concentrate to chill an area within 20 meters that is up to 20 cubic meters in size to just below the freezing point of water, for up to 4 hours. This effect does not immediately cause damage but causes significant discomfort and potentially exhaustion or frostbite. You can get a bigger or stronger effect, or finer control over it. May cause lesser effect or too much effect or costs more hp/sp.
Cryomancy 3 Arctic Blast Target's TN Cast and concentrate to begin spraying icy vapor from your hands dealing 9 cold damage in a 1m wide, 5m long line. Enemies hit by this spell may become frozen. You can repeat the spray action without recasting by concentrating for up to 1 minute, but you cannot move until you cease casting. You can get extra damage or bigger area of effect. You may miss your target or hit an ally or costs more hp/sp.
Cryomancy 3 Ice Wall 14 Cast and concentrate to form a wall of ice 2m high, 1m thick, and up to 20m long. You can shape it into formations such as a dome as long as the enclosed area is the same or lesser. Lasts up to 2 hours while you concentrate. Generally has 12 HP if relevant. It doesn't cause damage but if cast up against someone it can push them both back. It melts into nothing after up to 1 hour of duration. You can shape the wall slightly, make it spiky and cause damage, or higher or longer. May create a lower or weaker wall, or may create a wall that's way too high or costs more hp/sp.
Cryomancy 3 Ice Armor 14 1 minute ritual. Cast to cover yourself or one ally with flexible plates of arcane ice that provides 10 hp of temporary health points. Lasts up to 3 hours or until the hp is lost. Can only apply to 1 person at a time. Once cast, the ice plates do not interfere with casting. The temporary HP is not reduced by your normal DR. More & higher protection statistics. Potentially multiple targets. Less effective or may damage you. May require concentration or costs more sp.
Cryomancy 3 Frost Mirror Threat's TN Cast as an instantaneous reaction when you are about to be hit by one or more projectiles. A large mirror of ice shoots up from the nearest surface to protect you, roughly a 1x2m thin square. If the projectiles are magical or energy-based, they are reflected back at your enemy. If they are solid, the mirror will take damage until destroyed. It has 12 HP and 0 DR. It's even stronger and you can shape it more easily. It's less effective and more fragile or costs more sp.
Cryomancy 3 Shivering Curse Threat's TN Cast as an action and concentrate. Targeted enemies in a 3m square within 20m of you will begin to shiver in cold uncontrollably for up to 1 hour, taking 1 cold damage per 5 minutes unless very close to a heat source. They will take double cold damage from other sources, and have disadvantage on any tasks requiring manual dexterity. It's even more effective and may cause damage over time. It's less effective and it's obvious who cast it or costs more hp/sp.
Cryomancy 4 Azure Calling 16 Cast as an action or ritual to cause a being of water or ice from another dimension to appear for up to 10 minutes. The method by which this occurs is unknown. They have a temporary form in this dimension while you concentrate, and will usually do as you direct. Typical results include water elementals, ice golems, frost salamanders, etc. You are able to generally control what is summoned and what it does. You may summon a more powerful friendly elemental such as a taniwha or leviathan. You may accidentally invite a wendigo, ice devil, frost giant or worse that is powerful, cruel, and way beyond your control. Alternatively, costs more EP/HP or the entity is malformed or difficult to control.
Cryomancy 4 Ice Spike Target's TN Cast as one action to form and throw a large spike of ice up to 15m in distance which will explode with a loud noise in a 1m radius for 12 cold damage. More damage and/or a bigger explosion. You may miss your target, hit fewer targets, deal less damage, or accidentally hurt an ally or costs more hp/sp.
Cryomancy 4 Deep Freeze Target's TN Cast as one action on one visible target within 10m. The spell deals up to 8 cold damage. If this would take them to any point below 5 HP, you can choose to preserve them alive but frozen in the arcane ice at 1 HP, for as long as you concentrate, and after that for as long as the block remains in sufficiently cold temperatures. More damage and/or a bigger explosion. You may miss your target, hit fewer targets, deal less damage, or accidentally hurt an ally or costs more hp/sp.
Cryomancy 4 Frost Aura 16 Cast as an action and concentrate to create an aura of freezing temperatures in a 5m radius around yourself. While active, all creatures within 5m will take 4 cold damage per round, liquids will freeze, etc. The aura follows you while you concentrate for up to 1 minute. More powerful and finer control. Less powerful or lesser control or costs more hp/sp.
Cryomancy 4 Frost Nova Target's TN Cast as an action. Instantaneously, a ring of arcane frost will shoot out from your position, dealing 12 cold damage to all creatures within 5 meters of your current position. More powerful, bigger area or exclude allies. Less powerful, smaller area or less control or costs more hp/sp.
Cryomancy 5 Ice Storm Target's TN Cast as an action and concentrate to target a 30m square you designate in an area you can see. The area will be repeatedly pounded with sharp icy projectiles for 16 cold damage per round, for up to 1 minute. More powerful, bigger area or better control. Less powerful, smaller area or less control or costs more hp/sp.
Cryomancy 5 Rime Prison Target's TN Cast as an action. A hollow cube of ice up to 7x7x7 meters in contained size forms around an area you target within 20m. It can surround enemies or items. The prison has defense 16 and 30 hp. Does not require concentration and lasts until destroyed or melted. This spell cannot cause damage. Bigger, more control over the shape. Smaller, less control over the shape or costs more hp/sp.
Cryomancy 5 Rime Blade 18 Cast as a 1-minute ritual. You create a melee weapon of pure arcane ice that lasts for 24 hours while you concentrate. It deals 18 damage per hit, arcane-freezing enemies on hit if possible. More powerful, longer lasting, may not require concentration. Weaker, short duration, shatters easily, etc.
Cryomancy 5 Hoarfrost Target's TN Cast as an action and concentrate in a 4m-radius area within 20m. Arcane Frost grows on the ground and enemies' feet or lower extremities are bound to the spot until they break the ice. They also take 5 damage. Bigger, more effect, more damage. Smaller, less control, less damage.
Cryomancy 6 Blizzard 20 As a 30-minute ritual, cast and concentrate. Weather within 5 miles will become extremely snowy and temperatures will fall below freezing for up to 24 hours, leading to blinding conditions for almost anyone and covering the land with snow. A small amount of control. Loss of control.
Cryomancy 6 Comet 20 24-hour ritual. You summon the nearest pure-ice comet or asteroid to make a direct course to a specified location that you can see unaided during the ritual. Time to impact varies based on roll and context. A small amount of control. Disaster.

Spell School Level = Cost Spell Name TN to Cast Description Suggested Bonuses Suggested Costs
Electromancy 1 Electroshock Target's TN As an action, cast to instantly deliver an electric shock to a person, creature or item. You must be adjacent to the target, but do not need to touch them. This can deal 4 electric damage, may erase or corrupt data on electronic devices, and may deal more damage to robots. The target will be shocked. Shocked targets are not disabled but are prone to receive double damage from the next hit they receive. Electric damage from spells can be nonlethal at the caster's choice. Bigger or more controlled effect. Weaker effect or unintentionally strong or costs more hp/sp..
Electromancy 2 Spark Target's TN Cast as an action to throw a small ball of electricity that can bounce around corners towards a (theorized) target for up to 15m total distance. Deals 6 electric damage. You can throw multiple sparks, or more powerful sparks. You may accidentally hurt yourself or an ally or costs more sp, or stranger things happen.
Electromancy 2 Sense Electricity 12 Cast and concentrate to sense latent electrical currents and charges within 30m of your position. You can sense more details at a greater distance. You sense less or your senses lead you to something bad that would otherwise have not been an issue, or it costs more hp/sp.
Electromancy 2 Galvanize 12 Cast as a bonus action or action and concentrate on yourself or an ally during a battle. Choose one benefit: the target will deal double damage with their next hit or has +1 advantage die to make their next attack (mundane or magical). More damage, targets, may not require concentration. More ep/hp cost, less bonus, slight harm to the target.
Electromancy 2 Protection from Electricity 12 Cast and concentrate to protect up to 10 creatures from electric hazards and halve electric damage taken for up to 4 hours. The effect depends on the context and level cast, but will always help. They must remain within 10m of you for the duration. More effectiveness, duration, etc Less effective or less targets, or it costs more hp/sp.
Electromancy 2 Charge Metal 12 Cast as a 1-minute ritual to charge a metallic item you are touching with a powerful electric charge. The next time a creature touches the metal part of the item, they will receive 6 nonlethal electric damage and become shocked. Alternatively, you can use this spell to convert your Energy Points into electric power, given you have a less-than-full battery or power cell available. More power, duration, charge, etc. You may apply too much or too little power, or it costs more hp/sp.
Electromancy 2 Magnetize Object 12 Cast as a 5-minute ritual on a metallic or stone object or surface up to the size of a large chair (1m^3). The surface is now magnetized to attract or repel metallic objects, while you concentrate. The effect may last longer, have a bigger area of effect, or cause damage. You may affect less targets or accidentally affect yourself or allies, or it costs more hp/sp.
Electromancy 2 Static Shock Target's TN Cast as an action on a target within 20 meters. The target and all combatants within 2m of them become shocked and will take double damage on the next hit they receive. This spell does not deal damage. More targets, stronger effect or add damage, or it costs more hp/sp. Fewer targets.
Electromancy 3 Lightning Bolt Target's TN Cast as an action to launch a powerful bolt of lighting from your hands to a target up to 25 meters away. The bolt deals 12 damage and will penetrate through creatures and metal but not stone or earth. It will dissipate after 25 meters. High rolls can shock. Effective vs. Robots. More damage, more targets, or better control. Less damage, less targets, less control, or it costs more hp/sp.
Electromancy 3 Electrify Weapon 14 10-minute ritual. Cast to enchant a targeted weapon to deal an additional +4 electric damage to its targets for 4 hours. Does not require concentration. More damage, shocking hit, increased speed, longer duration effect. Less damage, shorter duration, or it costs more hp/sp.
Electromancy 3 Absorb Energy 14 This spell, which costs 0 EP, allows you to convert stored or discharged electrical energy in the environment into Energy Points for you. Cast as an action or reaction while touching contact points of a battery or power cell, being hit by lightning, etc. You will take some damage and receive some EP. You may avoid taking damage and get more points back. You will take more damage and get fewer points.
Electromancy 3 Energy Shield Attacker's TN Cast as a reaction after you have confirmed that you will be taking some damage. The damage (after subtracting DR) is then taken to your EP instead of your HP. This spell by itself does not cost EP, its result does. You may get bonus DR or a counter-shock. Some damage may pass through and hit you in addition to some draining your EP.
Electromancy 4 Arc Spray Target's TN Cast as one action to spray many small electric arcs in a 5m long cone. Enemies caught in the area of effect receive 14 electric damage and may become shocked. More damage, targets, control, effects Less damage, targets, control, effects, or it costs more hp/sp
Electromancy 4 Electro-Magnetic Pulse Target's TN Cast as an action to fire a small beam of blue electromagnetic energy that is 3m wide and travels up to 5m from your position, passing through objects, before fading. This beam temporarily disables all unprotected electronic machines and arcane constructs, including homunculi, golems and robots, for 1 round. Additionally, affected biological enemies will be unable to cast spells for 1 round, and active spell effects will flicker and be suppressed during that time. Magnetically-sealed robotic targets may be slowed or take some damage instead of being stunned. Otherwise, this spell does not deal damage. The effect may last longer, have a bigger area of effect, or cause damage. You may affect less targets or accidentally affect yourself or allies, or it costs more hp/sp.
Electromancy 4 Lightning Warp 16 Cast as one action while touching a large metal object or surface. You instantly teleport up to 25 meters along to another spot that is also touching this same metal object. A loud and violent arc explosion occurs at the origin and destination, dealing 10 damage in a 3m radius. More damage, targets, control, effects Less damage, targets, control, effects, or it costs more hp/sp
Electromancy 4 Arcane Tempest Target's TN Cast and concentrate to throw a glowing red projectile at a target creature, object or surface within 20m. On contact, it bursts with a thunderclap to create a miniature storm cloud that occupies an area up to a 6m cube. Inside this area, all creatures take 6 damage at the start of their turn from arcane rain, and you can select one creature in the area per round to receive a 14 damage lightning bolt, no roll required, at any time during the round. The arcane tempest lasts for 1 minute or until you dismiss it. More damage, targets, control, effects Less damage, targets, control, effects, or it costs more hp/sp
Electromancy 4 Storm Aura 16 Cast and concentrate to create a miniature storm cloud that follows close above your head for up to 4 hours. Once per round, with no action required, you can direct the cloud to automatically hit a target within 15 meters for 10 electric damage. More damage, duration, control, effects Less damage, duration, control, effects, or it costs more hp/sp
Electromancy 4 Thunderous Calling 16 Cast as an action or ritual and concentrate to cause a being of storms and wind from another dimension to appear and aid you for up to 10 minutes. The method by which this occurs is unknown. They have a temporary form in this dimension while you concentrate, and will usually do as you direct. Typical results include beithir, storm elementals, thunderbirds, giant eels etc. The creature is more friendly, lasts longer or doesn't require your concentration. A magnanimous roc, storm giant or skyray may aid you for a time. The creature is hostile or uncontrollable. You may summon a blue devil or shocking horror.
Electromancy 5 Chain Lightning Target's TN Cast as an action. Fire a bolt of lighting at a target up to 30m away for 18 damage. If it hits, the bolt will bounce to up to 3 more targets, with -2 damage each time. It can also bounce between the same 2 targets. More damage, targets, control, effects Less damage, targets, control, effects, or it costs more hp/sp
Electromancy 5 Ball Lightning 18 Cast as an action and concentrate for up to 10 minutes. Fire a 1m radius slow-moving ball of lightning towards a target. The ball travels 5m per round in a straight line and will damage any targets within 5m of it for 18 damage per round, each. You can use one action to move the ball without needing to make another casting roll. More damage, targets, area, duration, control, effects Improper casting will almost certainly spawn it too close to the caster and shock them fiercely.
Electromancy 5 Supercharge 18 1-hour ritual. Cast to arcanically increase the speed, power, etc. of any powered vehicle or rideable animal for 24 hours. The animal or vehicle will glow and emit sparks while the spell is active. Does not require concentration, but if the charged target is damaged, there will be a huge explosion. You will get bonus effects and duration. The target becomes highly unstable and dangerous.
Electromancy 6 Thunderstorm 20 1-hour ritual. Cast and concentrate. For the next 24 hours, the land within a 25 mile radius will be pounded by a violent rainstorm over which you have some control. Bolts from this storm deal 24 damage and hit once per 2 minutes. Rain may cause flooding. More control. Less control. Extreme danger.
Electromancy 6 Arcane Dynamo 20 1-week ritual. With the assistance of a trained engineer and available materials, you craft an arcane power source that will provide steady energy for millenia. It will cause a large explosion if damaged, however. More control, smaller size. Less control. Extreme danger. The machine may cause unwanted effects.

Spell School Level = Cost Spell Name TN to Cast Description Suggested Bonuses Suggested Costs
Illusion 1 Minor Illusion 10 Sight OR sound only - Instantly make an illusion of your choice at a location you can see that is visual-only OR audio-only in up to a 1m cube, up to 1 minute duration, up to the volume of a normal speaking voice. More size, details, effects, control Less persuasive, or unintended effects, or it costs more hp/sp
Illusion 2 Modest Illusion 12 Sight OR sound - 1m cube, up to 5 minutes. The sound can be up to the volume of a shout or scream. More size, details, effects, control Less persuasive, or unintended effects, or it costs more hp/sp
Illusion 2 Ventriloquism 12 As an action, project an illusionary voice to originate from another location within 50m, even if you cannot see that place. You can make it sound like the voice of another person or animal. More volume, distance, effects, control Less effect or unwanted effects, or it costs more hp/sp
Illusion 2 Deafness Target's TN Cast on a target personally visible to you. Lasts up to 10 minutes. More targets, effects or control. Less effect or control, or it costs more hp/sp.
Illusion 2 Lightball 12 Cast and concentrate to summon a sphere of gentle or bright light that floats and follows you within 1 meter. You can choose the color and move it around within 2 meters. Unlimited duration while you concentrate. The ball is insubstantial, it cannot cause harm. More brightness, balls and effects. Ability to program it. Lesser light, a light that has a mind of its own, a luminous horror, or it costs more hp/sp.
Illusion 2 Arcane Disguise 12 5-minute ritual. You make a person look and sound like a person they are not, of the same general size. You must be familiar with the details or it won't look right. These changes are audio and visual only, not tactile. More targets, effects or control. Less effect or control, or it costs more hp/sp.
Illusion 2 Arcane Glow 12 Cast on a target person or object less than a 1m^3 cube. It glows brightly, if it did not already. This has no other effect. More targets, effects or control. Less effect or control, or it costs more hp/sp.
Illusion 2 Blindness Target's TN Cast on a target within 10m of you. An illusionary screen covers their eyes and they cannot see while you concentrate for up to 1 minute. More targets, effects or control. Less effect or control, or it costs more hp/sp.
Illusion 2 Inaudibility 12 or Target's TN Cast on a person or animal. No sound that the target makes can be heard by any living creatures for up to 10 minutes. They can still be seen, smelled, heat-sensed, etc. Stealth rolls now are made primarily in regard to visual detection. Cast vs. the target's TN if non-consensual. More targets, duration and effects. Less targets, duration and effects. Potentially unintended effects, or it costs more hp/sp.
Illusion 3 Moderate Illusion 14 Sight & Sound - 5m cube, up to 10 minutes More size, effects or control. Less effects or unwanted effects, or it costs more hp/sp.
Illusion 3 Shuffle Appearances Target's TN Cast on up to 5 people or creatures in a 20m radius circle. You can make each person or creature of the same general size appear and sound like any other in the group, while you concentrate, for up to 1 hour, or you can make them all look and sound like the same one person. This can cause confusion in combat. More targets and effects. Less targets, or it costs more hp/sp.
Illusion 3 Illusionary Wall 14 Cast and concentrate for up to 4 hours. You create an illusionary wall up to 3m tall and 40m long. You can make it look exactly like any surface. This wall is infinitely thin and insubstantial, anything passes right through it. Better effects - may feel real or gain thickness. May be smaller than intended or have an unintended appearance, or it costs more hp/sp.
Illusion 3 Zone of Silence 14 Designate an area you can see. No living thing can hear anything in a 10m sphere without using magic or specialized machines. Lasts 10 minutes. Bigger area, more effects or duration. Smaller area, less effects or duration, or it costs more hp/sp.
Illusion 3 Zone of Darkness 14 Designate an area you can see within 10m. No one can see anything in a 10m sphere without using magic. Does not actually turn off any lights. Lasts 10 minutes. Bigger area, more effects or duration. Smaller area, less effects or duration, or it costs more hp/sp.
Illusion 3 Invisibility 14 Cast as an action by touching a person or animal. The target is invisible to the eyes of living creatures for up to 10 minutes. They can still be heard, smelled, heat-sensed, etc. This counts as the ability to try to hide in plain sight. Stealth rolls now are made primarily in regard to sound. More targets, duration and effects. Less targets, duration and effects. Potentially unintended effects, or it costs more hp/sp.
Illusion 3 Imaginary Friend/Enemy 14 Cast as a 1-minute ritual to create an imaginary person that only you and the target can interact with. They are insubstantial and cannot be touched or touch, or else they will immediately tear and disintegrate. Lasts up to 10 minutes. Can look very similar to a real person. Completely dependent on your commands - must use actions to command it while it is in sight. More duration and better controlled effects. Less duration and unintended effects, or it costs more hp/sp.
Illusion 4 Significant Illusion 16 Sight, Sound, Touch (1hp)- 10m cube, 30 minutes. Touchable illusions can be gently touched but obviously tear if leaned on, hurt or stepped on. When torn, they appear to be made of a bright white papery dusty substance that fades after 6 seconds, and likewise progressively collapse in functioning during that time. More targets, duration, effects and control. Less targets, duration, effects and control, or it costs more hp/sp.
Illusion 4 Mass Blindness Target's TN Designate enemies within a 3m radius circle. They all become blind and unable to see for up to 1 minute. You might be able to expand the area and perhaps make them deaf as well. You create a weaker effect, make them deaf instead of blind, or accidentally blind yourself, or it costs more hp/ep.
Illusion 4 Blackout 16 Designate a radius 10m sphere which originates within 10m of you. No living being can hear, see, smell, touch, etc. any sense, for up to 4 hours, in that area, not even you. You might be able to expand the area or except yourself from the effect. You create a weaker effect or accidentally invite beings of the dark, or it costs more hp/sp.
Illusion 4 Imaginary Fighter/Lover 16 Cast as a 5-minute ritual to create an imaginary person that everyone can see and interact with. Is sturdy enough to have 3hp and a combat skill +4. Lasts 2 hours. Can look just like a real person. Still exists out of your sight within 100m. Can attack with any illusionary weapon, +4 to hit and 3 nonlethal psychic damage per hit. Doesn't have skills. Behaves rigidly according to your commands unless you commit full focus (continuous action) to guide it, even while out of sight. You might be able to make two of them, or extend the duration or effects. You create a strange, unintended or dangerous illusionary person, or it costs more hp/sp.
Illusion 5 Major Illusion 18 All senses - 15m cube, 4 hours. 1 hp. Cannot attack. More size, duration, effects and control. Less size, duration, effects and control, or it costs more hp/sp.
Illusion 5 Temporary Reality 18 With a 10 minute ritual, you can create an object up to 1m^3 that exists for 24 hours and is apparently real (though it will be detected as magical). It vanishes after 24 hours. Complex functional objects require you to also roll crafting or art skill. This does not require concentration, but you can dispel it anytime with a free action. Faster ritual and better effects. You risk creating something heinous that you cannot destroy.
Illusion 5 Weave Matrix 18 While a target is asleep, you conduct a 4 hour ritual to establish an imaginary world for them to live in that seems real. After that point, you can go about your business as long as you maintain concentration. They will not wake as long as your concentration lasts and until they cease to believe in the matrix. Can't cause instant harm/death, but may eventually lead there. You will have a general idea of how things are going in their world and be able to modify it, but major modifications will require another ritual. Faster ritual and better effects. You risk getting yourself and your friends lost in your own illusionary world.
Illusion 5 Personal Hell Target's TN Cast on a visible target as an action. You make them believe that some horrible thing is happening to them. They will be fully distracted, and you can give them up to 10 nonlethal psychic damage per round, or less as you choose, for up to 1 hour. Causes permanent mental trauma to NPCs. Depending on the context, you may need to roll a concentration check to maintain the illusion. More damage, targets duration, effects and control. You risk lending too much reality to the nightmare.
Illusion 5 Personal Heaven Target's TN Cast on a visible target as an action. The target experiences full-sensory ilusion of a perfect world, for up to 1 hour. Depending on the context, may need to roll a concentration check to maintain the illusion. May cause permanent changes in npcs. More targets, duration, effects and control. The illusion may bleed into reality and vice versa.
Illusion 5 Sophont Illusion 18 Cast with a 1-hour ritual to create a fully intelligent artificial being. They will exist for 24 hours and can have up to +5 combat and 15hp, and an illusionary copy of some weapon you know. You can program them with an assumed context, but you cannot magically control them once created. Can have up to 4 skills of level 2. Can attack with 2d6+3 lethal damage per hit. They cannot cast magic. If hurt, their blood is white. More targets, longer duration or effects. You aren't able to create exactly what you want, and/or you lose control of them. They may experience a crisis of existence, choose their own path, or become hostile.
Illusion 6 Epic Illusion 20 All senses - 50m cube, 24 hours. 1hp. Cannot attack. More targets, duration, effects and control. The illusion be unwanted, may bleed into reality, or both.
Illusion 6 False Reality 20 With a 2-hour ritual, you can create a magical, illusion-made object up to 2m^3 that exists permanently without your concentration and is apparently real (though a meta-physicist will detect it as magical). Complex objects require you to have engineering skill. You can dispel it with a free action anytime. If dispelled by you or another person, it vanishes instantly. Faster ritual and better effects. You risk creating something heinous that you cannot destroy.
Illusion 6 Shroud 20 Cast on a living biological target or robot with a 10-minute ritual, potentially yourself. While you concentrate, the target now cannot be detected by the senses of any living creature, including party members, for up to 48 hours. Special equipment and divine beings may still be able to find them, with difficulty. More targets, effects, duration and control. The target may be forever unable to interact with this reality.
Illusion 6 Perfect Concealment 20 Cast as 1-hour ritual on a nonliving object smaller than a 20m cube. It is now impossible to detect except by advanced technology or by mass dispel in an area, or by bumping into it. Lasts as long as you concentrate. More targets, effects, duration and control. The target may be lost forever or fall into an interstitial dimension.
Illusion 6 Imaginary Hell Target's TN Cast in a 50m radius area. In that area, every living being will experience excruiating, unending torment, involving all five senses, and nothing of reality. Up to 2d6 lethal or nonlethal psychic damage per round as you choose. Lasts until dispelled and does not require concentration. More damage, targets duration, effects and control. You risk lending too much reality to the nightmare.
Illusion 6 Imaginary Heaven 20 Cast in a 50m radius area. In that area, every living being will experience personal bliss, involving all five senses, and nothing of reality. Lasts until dispelled and does not require concentration. More targets, duration, effects and control. The illusion may work entirely too well. Alternatively or additionally, it may bleed into reality and vice versa.

Spell School Level = Cost Spell Name TN to Cast Description Suggested Bonuses Suggested Costs
Metaphysics 1 Sense Arcane 10 Cast and concentrate. While this is running, you can sense the presence or absence of any active spells, magical influence, enchantments, magical items, areas or objects, or arcane anomalies nearby. Requires concentration. This can reveal magically invisible and illusionary things to you only, and things behind hidden doors or walls. After detecting invisible things, helping allies target them will require a spotting action. More precise arcane radar. Less information or you may be led to a dangerous location, or it costs more hp/sp.
Metaphysics 2 Identify Arcana Target's TN 5-minute ritual. This spell allows you to read or identify magical items, scrolls, potions, symbols, sigils, and runes of power, regardless of the civilization from which they came. If you do not touch the target, then the difficulty is higher. More information, potentially even 'cracking' arcane command-lock sequences, or you may not need to touch it. Less information, or accidental triggering of the device, or it costs more hp/sp.
Metaphysics 2 Chaos Orb Target's TN You channel raw arcane energy into a projectile and fling it towards a target. A wild and chaotic result will occur each time, chosen by the GM, with a 50% chance of being negative towards the target, 25% neutral, and 25% positive for the target. You might be able to roll twice and choose the result. More chaotic results.
Metaphysics 2 Cloak Status 12 While you maintain concentration for up to 4 hours, you may mask your status as a user of magic, as well as any magic items you are wielding or carrying, and active spell effects. Does not remove your personal sign of casting. Better and broader effects, may not require concentration. May cost more Energy Points, or it costs more hp/sp.
Metaphysics 3 Sense Casters Target's TN This spell allows you to sense nearby magic-using beings within 1km. It also lets you conduct a 30-minute ritual to detect if a target consenting person has the potential to be trained in magic (also known as "The Gift"). More information and wider range. Less information, or you awaken unwelcome hidden forces, such as metadimensional parasites and disguised horrors, or it costs more hp/sp.
Metaphysics 3 Triggered Message 14 Cast and make a small mark or rune on a surface and designate a conditional trigger and a message. The next time a person activates that trigger, hears a secret psychic message that you have programmed. For repeated effect, you may commit concentration. You can add more information and effects. You may be charged more points or the message may be truncated or display at the wrong time, or it costs more hp/sp.
Metaphysics 3 Mental Fortress 14 Cast on yourself or one ally within 10'. The target can roll Meditation with +1 advantage die to defend vs. magic. Lasts up to 1 hour. More targets, more powerful effects Fewer targets, weaker effects, or attract hostile attention, or it costs more hp/sp
Metaphysics 3 Dispel Target's TN Cast as an action: you attempt to end an ongoing spell effect cast by another psychic. Cost and TN is based on target active spell level. Cannot remove magic from artifacts/relics or peoples'/animals' innate magical abilities. More targets, an area effect, or add some arcane force damage, or absorb some SP. Costs more SP, or may only slightly weaken the effect, or may backfire completely, or it costs HP.
Metaphysics 3 Counterspell Target's TN You can cast this as a reaction anytime anyone else is casting a spell you do not want cast--Including Counterspell. Range 20 meters. Repeatedly chained counterspells may cause an arcane explosion with chaotic effects for both parties. More targets, an area effect, or add some arcane force damage, or absorb some SP. Costs more SP, or may only slightly weaken the effect, or may backfire completely, or it costs HP.
Metaphysics 3 Suspended Spell 14 Cast as a 5-minute ritual, along with one other spell of level 3 or lower. While you maintain concentration for up to 24 hours, you can hold that spell to be released as an instantaneous free action or reaction. Perform the actions required by the object spell, but don't roll until the moment that it is released. You can store a higher level spell or increase the power of the stored spell. You store a weaker version of the spell or have less control over when it gets released, or it costs more hp/sp.
Metaphysics 4 Sense Spell Echoes 16 Cast as a 20-minute ritual to gain a vision of the history of magic power use on a particular object or place, along with the general timeframes of major events. More information, potentially the future arcane history Less information, or it costs more hp/sp
Metaphysics 4 Dismissal Target's TN Cast as an action or ritual to return a summoned spiritual entity to its home dimension. Touching the target is required. The process is safer and faster. Only minor damage, no effect, or it is further empowered, or more angry monsters arrive to invade.
Metaphysics 4 Inscribe Scroll 16 Cast and spend 2+ hours to write another spell into a scroll or electronic document, but do not roll. This inscription is infused with power and then can be read by another person, including non-casters (if you choose), to produce the effect. When used, the inscription vanishes or deletes itself. You can have up to 3 in existence at a time. The TN is floored as the higher of this spell's or the target spell's. Do not roll your casting check until the scroll is activated. Store a more powerful spell or a combination of spells Store a less powerful spell or an uncontrollable spell, or it costs more hp/sp
Metaphysics 4 Infuse Potion 16 Cast and spend 2+ hours to infuse another spell into a small container of liquid such as water, but do not roll. This is called a "potion", and the spell will take effect when the liquid is drunk, spilled, or the bottle is shattered. Add 3 to the Energy Point cost when you do this and the casting time is floored at 30 minutes. You can have up to 3 in existence at a time. The TN is floored as the higher of this spell's or the target spell's. Do not roll your casting check until the potion is activated. Store a more powerful spell or a combination of spells The potion is unstable, the infused spell is weaker, or it costs you more hp/sp
Metaphysics 4 Consecrate 16 With 16 hours of rituals, you consecrate and decorate a certain room for arcane purposes, in accordance with your traditions. It must be aligned to a specific tradition - cultural, religious, elemental, etc. Once done, spells cast in here by you and your allies can be cast with 2d10 instead of 2d8, and enemies casting spells here are at a disadvantage. Note that this spell does not protect from hostile spells cast outside it-that's Ward. The area is consecreated until it's generally wrecked, destroyed or desecrated (anyone can do this by trashing the room or performing acts opposite to the tradition). Faster cast time, more powerful effects Slower cast time, unintended effects, or it costs more hp/sp
Metaphysics 4 Geas 16 Using a 1-hour ritual which requires their cooperation or restraint, you place a logic-triggered spell upon a target person, specifying requirements and restrictions. When that person's actions meet the punishment triggers, the triggered spell is cast upon them. This happens repeatedly until dispelled or until all requirement triggers are fulfilled. In most cases this spell causes permanent nonmagical psychological trauma and can cause death. Faster cast time, more powerful effects Slower cast time, unintended effects--more harm for the subject or inaccurate triggers, or it costs more of your hp/sp
Metaphysics 4 Glyph 16 In a 1-minute ritual, you physically mark a faint or hidden symbol upon a surface. When touched or triggered by conditions you specify, it auto-casts another spell that you imprint on it. Requires concentration. Roll only once, using the higher dc/cost. Store a more powerful spell or a combination of spells Store a less powerful spell or an uncontrollable spell, or it costs more hp/sp
Metaphysics 4 Coven 16 Spending the points and conducting a 1-hour ritual, you and up to 5 other willing casters may share spell skills (using the higher value) and Energy Points. You must remain within 100m of each other. Must be refreshed after 24 hours. The knowledge disappears when the spell lapses. More powerful benefits Less allies connected, less benefits, or it costs more hp/sp
Metaphysics 5 Sense Arcane Danger 18 This level allows you to sense any kind of dangerous arcane phenoma within 5km - cursed items, haunted areas, explosive glyphs, hell gates, spiritual guardians, etc. More information and wider range. Less information, or you awaken dangerous forces.
Metaphysics 5 Enchant Item 18 Cast to enchant an item with another spell or other type of arcane power so that it can be used by a non-caster. Requires 1-7 days of work. Requires rare ingredients, and an engineer friend or personal Crafting skill is a great help. More effects and more powerful effects Less powerful effects and potential negative effects on the user.
Metaphysics 5 Psychic Storm 18 You attempt to invite a localized psychic storm with a minimum 100m radius. While active, all spell rolls in the area use 2d6, and anyone attempting to cast a spell receives 6 nonlethal psychic damage (to their hp), whether it succeeds or fails. In the area of the storm, failed spell rolls have particularly nasty results. Mundane people get headaches in the area. No one can be excepted from the effects. Exactly how this works is unknown. The duration of the storm varies and you do not control its size or movement. Slightly more control, though you will never fully control it. The storm rages out of control, causing extreme disaster.
Metaphysics 5 Arcane Training N/a By spending a month in focused teaching with daily 8-hour classes, you can train another person who you have determined has potential, to get level-1 in an arcane skill you know, plus the talent "Arcane Initiate". After that point, they can buy skill levels in it as normal when they gain levels. It costs you 5 EP per class per day, and it costs them 6 XP, but there is no need for either person to roll during the process. N/a, no roll needed. N/a, no roll needed.
Metaphysics 5 Contingency 18 With a 30-minute ritual, you set up a spell and trigger on yourself. The spell must be level 4 or lower. When the trigger is met, the spell is automatically cast on a logic-based target. You can have up to 1 instance in effect at a time. Roll once only when released. Does not require concentration. More effects and more powerful effects and control Less powerful effects or potential negative or unintended effects on the user.
Metaphysics 5 Warding 18 By spending 8 hours in work and concentration, you ward an area of up to 100m radius against enemy casters. Anyone attempting to cast a spell on or in the area that you do not wish to allow receives disadvantage when attempting to do so and you will be mentally notified of their attempt. More effects and more powerful effects and control Less powerful effects and potential negative or unintended effects on the user.
Metaphysics 6 Sense Power 20 Casting at this level allows you to sense hints on where you can go next to learn more magic and gain more power, at any distance. Better rolls give more info. More information and wider range. Less information, or you awaken evil and supremely powerful forces.
Metaphysics 6 UPGRADE: Spell Perfection N/a Upgrade You can now choose to cast any level 1 or 2 spell you know with no roll, no cost, or both. You may cast all level 3 spells you know with no roll. N/a N/a
Metaphysics 6 Ascendant 20 This 1-hour ritual allows you to directly contact any divine, ethereal or extradimensional being that you know that exists, regardless of rank. They will listen. They are displeased.
Metaphysics 6 Normalize 20 Cast as a single action or a longer ritual. You permanently remove all arcane features and abilities from a target item or structure. It works. Arcane explosions possible, you may lose some or all of your arcane skills.
Metaphysics 6 Spell Permanency +2 TN Choose another spell that does not create a permanent effect. Double the point cost, spend the total point cost in work-days of ritual time, and increase the difficulty by 2. That spell effect is now permanent until dispelled and does not require concentration. If you want to make multiple effects permanent, i.e. a triggered telekinetic elevator, cast each component separately. You can concieveably create a permanent effect that is effectively nonmagical. Things go horribly wrong, permanently.

Spell School Level = Cost Spell Name TN to Cast Description Suggested Bonuses Suggested Costs
Necromancy 1 Drain Life Target's TN You touch 1 target biological person or animal with your hand. The target takes 4 damage and you heal by 1 HP. After one successful use, this spell will cause even the most docile herd of animals to become severely agitated. Does not work on plants. Drain more life, or the target remains calm. Opposite effect, no effect, you empower the target, or cause excessive pollution to the area.
Necromancy 2 Curse of Misfortune Target's TN Conduct a 5-minute ritual involving an item frequently used by the target, or small amount of their blood, skin or hair, and concentrate for up to 24 hours. A small curse rune will appear on their body somewhere. Over that 24 hours, the target will suffer at least 1 moderate misfortune per 4 hours. This includes effects like receiving blame at work, broken tools, equipment failure, minor injuries, close relationship strains. Enough to cause a very bad day or two. The misfortune is faster and more violent or cruel. The target becomes suspicious, it takes longer to cast, or you are cursed instead.
Necromancy 2 Dark Servant 12 As a 5 minute ritual, cast and concentrate in dim light or darkness. Plants and animals will die nearby, or rot and mold will spread, and a small, weak spirit of darkness will arrive to serve you. It may look like a grackle, tarantula, bat, cat, or similar small creature, though it is not biological in nature. It is not under your direct control, but it can perform minor tasks for you. More successful castings could call a goblin, slime, will-o-wisp or minor horror. It is self-motivated, cowardly and vanishes into smoke if harmed (1 hp). Lasts 6 hours per casting and requires your concentration. Minions are more powerful, lasting, intelligent and obedient. Minions are weaker, more rebellious, you have less control over them, or it costs more hp/sp.
Necromancy 2 Corrosive Bolt Target's TN Cast as an action. You throw a glowing green ball of arcane corrosion at one enemy target. That target will take 5 damage immediately and continue to take 3 at the start of their turns while you concentrate. More powerful and lasting poison with more effects. Inaccuracy, greater cost .
Necromancy 2 Arcane Poison 12 Cast as a 5-minute ritual upon a melee weapon, ammunition case, liquid or other item smaller than a 1 meter cube, and concentrate. The poison you infuse will infect targets who are stabbed, touched, or inhale it. They will take 6 poison damage per round for at least 3 rounds without proper medical attention or dispelling. Adding more ingredients can improve the poison and add more effects. The infusion lasts until 5 targets have been poisoned, or until you drop concentration. More powerful and lasting poison with more effects. Weaker poison, or you may accidentally poison yourself or a friend, or it costs more sp.
Necromancy 2 False Death 12 Cast as an action on yourself or a consenting ally within 10m and concentrate. They take 1 (real) damage and appear to die by aneurysm or heart attack, and remain apparently dead for up to 6 hours. They do not experience the passage of time. The effect holds up to mundane medical inspection. More targets, control, duration. You may accidentally harm the target further.
Necromancy 2 Sense Death 12 Cast as an action and concentrate for up to 1 hour, killing plants nearby. During this time, you can vaguely sense what things have died nearby, when, and how. Can sense negative energy more generally with higher rolls. You sense more detailed information. You sense more vague and sparse information without detail, or it costs more hp/sp, or pollutes the environment further.
Necromancy 2 Corpse Explosion 12 Cast as an action. The dead corpse of a formerly living biological creature that you can see unaided within 20m violently explodes, dealing (typically) 12 damage in a 5m radius. More power or a larger explosion. It costs more hp/sp, the corpse might melt, effervesce, or rise for revenge on you.
Necromancy 2 Aura of Death 12 Cast as an action. Within 20m of your current position, all living biological entities have +3 critical strike chance, roll with 2d6 to defend, and have disadvantage on healing and resilience rolls. This includes you. Lasts 1 hour, and cannot be dismissed except by dispelling. More power and control over the aura. Could cause a sickness. You lose control over this powerful aura, or it costs more hp/sp.
Necromancy 3 Poison Spray Target's TN Cast as an action. Slimy, green arcane contact poison sprays from your outstretched hand in a 10m cone. Infected living enemies receive 8 damage now and 6 at the start of their turns while you concentrate. Very polluting. More targets, damage, or effects. Less targets, damage, or unintended effects, or it costs more hp/sp.
Necromancy 3 Curse of Weakness Target's TN Cast as an action and concentrate for up to 12 hours on a target group of living enemies within 10 meters that are in a 3m circle. They become very weak and have disadvantage on any physical tasks. While active, a tattoo-like rune appears on their body. You create a more powerful curse, with more targets , or with more control. Your curse affects less targets or affects unintended targets, or it costs more hp/sp.
Necromancy 3 Bone Armor 14 1-minute ritual that requires the death of nearby plants and animals. Cast and concentrate on an unarmored target (yourself or an ally) to summon body armor made of arcane bones that protects either yourself or 1 target ally you can see. The armor provides a base amount of 4 DR. This is categorized as heavy, physical and magical armor, and cannot stack with normal armor. Unlike normal heavy armor, it does not inhibit spellcasting, but it does require concentration. It crumbles to dust when you dismiss it or select another target. More targets, power, and effects. Weaker or unintended effects, or it costs more hp/sp or causes more pollution.
Necromancy 3 Curse of Vulnerability Target's TN Cast as an action and concentrate for up to 24 hours on a target group of living enemies within 10 meters that are in a 3m circle. They receive double damage from physical and toxic sources while cursed. This can stack with other conditions. While active, a tattoo-like rune appears somewhere on their body. More targets, more effects, longer duration Fewer targets, lesser effects, shorter duration, or it costs more hp/sp
Necromancy 3 Bone Wall 14 Cast as an action and concentrate for up to 1 minute on an area 1m wide, 2m tall and up to 30m long. The nearby environment is drained of life, and a wall of clustered bones is formed instantly there. The wall has 15 HP, and cannot be seen through, but is not airtight. It will stop a minimum of one projectile. The wall crumbles and the material fades when the spell ends. Cannot be made into other shapes. This spell cannot deal damage, but can push apart entites who are standing close together. You can make the wall larger , curved slightly, or have other effects such as bone spikes. Your wall is weaker, smaller, or has unintended effects, such as unearthing an ancient skeleton, or it costs more hp/sp.
Necromancy 3 Speak With Corpse 14 Cast to communicate with a corpse - as much as decay allows. 10-minute ritual, the corpse's head must be within 1m of you. You get 1 question per cast. The corpse's answers are decayed as their brain and body is decayed. 2 questions per cast. The casting directly accelerates brain decay.
Necromancy 3 Contact Ghost 14 Cast as a 30-minute ritual and concentrate. You attempt to temporarily summon the spirit of a dead creature. They may or may not be willing or able to give information or help. You will most likely get limited information. They will depart after 1 minute. More duration and control, more coherent answers. Unintended effects may occur or you may summon the wrong spirit, or it costs more hp/sp.
Necromancy 4 Fetid Calling 16 Cast as an action or ritual to summon an extradimensional entity of rot, death and toxins to aid you for up to 10 minutes. Use of this spell typically pollutes the environment, as do the entities it summons. Typical castings will summon a ghoul, young wyvern, spectre, giant maggot, flaming skull, etc. The entity is more obedient, lasts longer or arrives faster. You may call a dutiful adult wyvern or sturdy night-mare, able to carry you and allies. Many would-be witches have ended their careers by failing to summon properly. The chance of inviting a banshee, heartbreaker or Rot Prince into our reality is a real risk.
Necromancy 4 Toxic Fog Target's TN Cast as an action and concentrate. A thick, opaque cloud of toxic green fumes fills an area up to a 20m cube, but you can shape it within that same volume. Normal vision can't penetrate the cloud. The fog causes lethal contact poison damage to unprotected living enemies for 12 damage per round for 5 rounds, and sickens them. More damage, area, or effects Less damage, area, or unintended effect, or it costs more hp/sp
Necromancy 4 Bone Cage Target's TN Cast as an action and concentrate. A thick wall of bones forms a ring or dome around a target person or object you choose. The cage is 1m thick and can cover an area from 1m to 5m radius. The bone wall blocks line of sight but is not airtight and has 10 hp (per section). This spell cannot deal damage. Larger, stronger, or with more effects (spikes etc). Smaller, weaker, or with unintended effects, or it costs more hp/sp.
Necromancy 4 Curse of Mindfog Target's TN Cast as an action and concentrate for up to 24 hours on a target group of living enemies within 10 meters that are in a 3m circle. They become mentally weak, with poor ability to remember and focus, use complex skills or cast spells. While active, a tattoo-like rune appears on their body. You create a more powerful curse, with more targets , or with more control. Your curse affects less targets or affects unintended targets, or it costs more hp/sp.
Necromancy 5 Blood Ascension 18 24-hour ritual. One target living creature, consenting or restrained, which can be yourself, is killed by the caster via blood draining and rises again as a full undead vampire, with all that entails. They must drink at least 5L (1 gallon) of sophont blood per day, gaining 1 blood point for each liter. Drinking blood will also heal their HP. They look normal-ish but cold and pale and are medically dead. They do not eat or breathe, and cease to age. They can spend blood points to use vampire powers. Unspent blood points are absorbed after 24 hours. They cannot take lethal damage except by destroying their heart. If they do not get enough blood in 24 hours, the player loses control of the character (becomes feral) until they do. This spell cannot be reversed by any known means. Save on casting time, gain more permanent benefits such as at-will powers Longer casting time, gain permanent weaknesses such as requiring invitations and garlic allergies.
Necromancy 5 Contagion 18 Cast as a 1-hour ritual upon a liquid of 1 liter or less. This liquid is now the vector for an extremely contagious fever-causing virus that kills within 4 hours. After the spell is cast, the results are nonmagical. More power, effects, faster spread or controlled spread (targeting certain people) Less powerful or you lose control of the virus.
Necromancy 5 Exsanguination Target You magically suck the blood out of a target creature within 15m for 18 damage via its pores, healing yourself by the 5 HP. You can 'overheal' by up to 5 hp with this spell, which will remain until you sleep. More targets or more damage. Less damage, or it hits unintended targets.
Necromancy 5 Curse of Bone Cancer Target's TN Target an area you can see within 20m that is up to 5m in radius. Living creatures in the target area begin to experience rapid bone cancer and will continuously take 10 damage per round until death as bone-spikes penetrate all their organs. You can, if you choose, slow the process. No concentration is required and it cannot be stopped by magical means. More targets, more power, more control Fewer targets, weaker, less control
Necromancy 6 Animate Corpses 20 Cast as a 1-hour ritual and concentrate upon the corpse of one humanoid, or TN 22+ for more. This corpse is filled with a hateful spirit and rises as an undead. It can be equipped, perform tasks and fight. It will obey you as long as you concentrate, supervise and successfully repeat the ritual once per day. When left unsupervised or without your concentration, the undead will lean towards evil, sadistic behavior, and to invite more of its kind. Minions are more powerful, lasting, intelligent and obedient. You have doomed this world to a tide of howling dead.
Necromancy 6 Curse of Doom Target's TN This curse is a 6-hour ritual involving blood and posessions of the target. It warps reality to make life a living hell for the target, permanently. Faster casting, more control The curse spreads, to you or others.
Necromancy 6 Word of Death 20 Cast as one single action. Designate a living biological target within 20m. You speak to them one sentence about their death in a loud, clear voice, and they die. Even on a success, you are likely to draw the ire of Death itself. Your own instant death, and worse.

Spell School Level = Cost Spell Name TN to Cast Description Suggested Bonuses Suggested Costs
Pyromancy 1 Arcane Flame 10 Cast to create an arcane flame in a 1 meter cube or smaller. If no flammable materials are available, you can concentrate to keep the flame burning for up to 30 minutes. The flame must be attached to an object. If used to damage a fire-vulnerable target, it gives them the ignited condition while you concentrate. Being ignited deals a continuous 5 damage per round at the start of their turn until they take an action to extinguish themselves or jump in some water. More area, effects, targets. You risk getting burned, the fire spreading out of control, or it costs more sp.
Pyromancy 2 Fire Bolt Target's TN Cast as an action to throw a firey projectile at one target within 10 meters. Targets that are hit take 6 fire damage and are ignited. More damage, targets, stronger effect. Less damage or costs more SP.
Pyromancy 2 Smokescreen 12 Cast and concentrate to produce a large cloud of thick black, hot smoke in 10m radius area within 20m for up to 1 hour or until blown away. Unaided vision by biological and mechanical beings cannot see through this smoke. It does not directly damage enemies but can cause suffocation and/or heat exhaustion in a confined area. Bigger/stronger effect or causes direct heat damage to your enemies. Smaller effect, inaccurate area, or unintended effects. May start a fire.
Pyromancy 2 Protection from Heat 12 Cast and concentrate to protect up to 10 creatures from heat hazards and halve fire damage taken for up to 4 hours. The effect depends on the context and level cast, but will always help. They must remain within 10m of you for the duration. More targets, more duration, more powerful effect. Less targets, less duration, weaker effect.
Pyromancy 2 Sense Heat 12 Cast and concentrate to sense the nearest sources of heat within 50m. More range, more detailed information. Less range, less information, or you lose control of the effect.
Pyromancy 2 Heat Item 12 Cast on a target item within 10 meters. This item becomes hot (generally roughly 500 degrees F) for up to 1 minute while you concentrate and deals 5 damage per round to anyone touching it. You can cast this on enemies' clothes, weapons, etc. The item will also be damaged by the heat if vulnerable. This can also be used to help crafting projects. More targets, more powerful effects. Less powerful effects, wrong target, or it costs you more EP/HP, or has an unintended effect.
Pyromancy 2 Heat Area 12 Cast and concentrate to heat an area within 20 meters that is up to 20 cubic meters in size up to 125 degrees F. This effect does not cause direct damage but causes significant discomfort and potentially heat exhaustion. Duration up to 4 hours. More powerful effects, more area, more control Weaker effects, more EP/HP cost, or unintended effects.
Pyromancy 3 Incinerate Target's TN Cast and concentrate to begin spraying arcane flames from your hands dealing 11 damage in a 5m cone. You can continously spray flames in this way without recasting as long as you concentrate and spend your action, but you cannot move (aside from turning) until you stop casting. Duration up to 1 minute. More damage, targets, area, effects. Less damage, targets, area, effects, or greater EP/HP cost, or loss of control.
Pyromancy 3 Fire Shield 14 Cast and concentrate to create a bubble of dancing flames around you. While it is running, you have advantage to dodge projectiles, and any melee attackers are ignited whenever they hit or miss you in melee. More targets, power, effects, or skip concentration. Costs more SP, burns you a bit, or lower duration.
Pyromancy 3 Blinding Flash Target's TN Cast as an action and point at a spot within 10m. A tiny projectile flies from your hand to the spot and explodes in a blinding flash of light. People in a 2m radius take 3 damage and are blinded for their next turn. Bigger/stronger effect or causes direct heat damage to your enemies. Smaller effect, inaccurate area, or unintended effects. May start a fire.
Pyromancy 3 Heat Mirage 14 Cast and concentrate to create the illusion of a large, mostly unmoving object at least 100m away from your position, for 30 minutes. Examples include a lake, a tower, a fleet of ships, smoking volcano, or a sleeping dragon. Works on unaided biological and mechanical vision. More control and effects. Less control and unintended effects, or greater EP/HP cost.
Pyromancy 3 Smelt Metal 14 1-hour ritual to extract raw metal ore from hot rocks and isolate it magically into ingots. Note that this spell does not help in crafting or prospecting, it merely isolates the pure metal from the earth. You are able to extract more efficiently. Less efficient extraction or costs you some more EP/HP.
Pyromancy 3 Ring of Fire 14 Cast and concentrate to create a 1m wide, 2m tall ring of arcane flames that has an inner radius of between 1 and 20 meters. The origin point can be you or within 10m of you, and must be touching the ground. The flames deal 11 fire damage to anyone who is inside the radius, once per round. Duration up to 30 minutes. More power, damage, control, effects. Less power or control or more EP/HP cost.
Pyromancy 4 Infernal Calling 16 Cast as an action or ritual to cause an arcane being of flames and light from another dimension to appear for up to 10 minutes. The method by which this occurs is unknown. They have a temporary form in this dimension while you concentrate, and will usually do as you direct (some social skill may be required). Typical results include magma golems, fire hydras, imps, etc. You are able to generally control what is summoned and what it does. You may summon a more powerful friendly elemental such as a phoenix or rakango. You may accidentally invite an uncontrollable ifrit, demon, radiant horror or worse. Alternatively, costs more EP/HP or the entity is malformed or unfriendly.
Pyromancy 4 Fireball Target's TN Cast as one action to throw a large firey projectile up to 20m in distance which will explode with a loud noise in a 2m radius for 16 fire damage. More power, damage, control, effects. Less power or control or more EP/HP cost. The explosion might collapse a building, splatter napalm in all directions, or harm an ally.
Pyromancy 4 Flame Blade 16 Cast and concentrate. You summon a melee weapon made of pure arcane flames (you choose the type). This weapon deals 10 pure fire damage on a hit (or 15 if 2-handed). You can give it to an ally. It can ignite flammable materials and enemies but it cannot melt metal. More power and duration and control. Less power or more EP/HP cost, or you summon something unintended.
Pyromancy 4 Fire Wall Target Designate a line area you can see, within 30m. The line must be 1m wide and 1m to 20m long. This area can include enemies. Cast and concentrate to create 1-meter-tall arcane flames in this area. Anyone passing in the area of the flames takes 3d8+4 fire damage per round, starting now. Duration up to 5 minutes. More power, damage, control, effects. Less power or control or more EP/HP cost.
Pyromancy 4 Burning Aura 16 Cast and concentrate to create an aura of intense heat in a 5m radius around yourself. While active, all nearby creatures will take 4 fire damage per round, liquids will boil or ignite, and flammable materials will ignite. The aura follows you while you concentrate for up to 2 hours. More power, damage, control, effects. Less power or control or more EP/HP cost.
Pyromancy 5 Fissure 18 Cast as an action to draw magma up from this planet's core in a 10m square you designate in an area you can see. A large crevasse will open up and violent sprays of magma will continuously erupt for 20 fire damage per round for up to 5 minutes. The effects of this spell are permanent and non magical. May not work on planetoids that are too small or cold. More power, damage, control, effects. Ecological disaster.
Pyromancy 5 Burning Glare Target's TN Cast as an action and concentrate. Your eyes glow bright red. Everyone you can see that you choose to affect will take 13 fire damage per round as long as you can see them. Duration up to 1 hour. Lower results will not affect better-defended targets. More power, damage, control, effects. Loss of control, potential blindness, disaster.
Pyromancy 5 Solar Flare 18 1-hour ritual. Cast on a visible star within 1 light year. For the next 24 hours, a harsh solar flare from that star will spray towards your region. For the duration, the climate's temperature will be increased significantly within a 50-mile radius and all electronic devices will become unreliable. Failed castings are extremely dangerous. Some control. Ecological disaster.
Pyromancy 6 Armageddon 20 24-hour ritual requiring a large bonfire. A spontaneous, massive firey explosion hits a target you can personally see within 20km, instantly at the completion of the ritual. All unprotected creatures and objects in a 1km radius of that point receive 36 fire damage. Thereafter, arcane fire burns at various spots on the site for 1 year. Failed castings are extremely dangerous. Some control. Loss of control.
Pyromancy 6 Volcano 20 1-day ritual. Cast on a target 2-mile-radius area of a rocky planet's surface that you can personally and continuously see. In the course of 1 day, a volcano with a 2-mile radius will form and violently spray magma in all directions for 3 weeks. Failed castings are extremely dangerous. More power, control, effects, faster casting. Apocalyptic results.

Spell School Level = Cost Spell Name TN to Cast Description Suggested Bonuses Suggested Costs
Telekinetics 1 TK Manipulation I: 10kg, 1 obj 10 As an action, you can move or "TK Hold" an object you can see at range. Concentrate to continue floating the object indefinitely. Not fast enough to cause damage except by dropping. Cannot perform fine manipulation by telekinesis (think oven mitts). If you drop concentration, the objects drop, so be careful. You can levitate the object up to [5m*casting level] in height. More objects, more weight, more control, etc Weaker effect, more hp/EP cost, loss of control
Telekinetics 2 TK Manipulation II: Manipulation 20kg, 1 obj 12 As I, but 20kg total and 2 objects. More objects, more weight, more control, etc Weaker effect, more hp/EP cost, loss of control
Telekinetics 2 TK Jump 12 Cast to jump up to 10 meters high. Up-cast for more. This does not protect you from fall damage. More distance, more people, more control, etc Weaker effect, more hp/EP cost, loss of control
Telekinetics 2 TK Slash Target's TN If you are skilled with Melee and holding a melee weapon, you can cast this spell to use telekinetics to make a melee attack at range. You can roll with TK or with your melee skill. More distance, more people, more control, etc Weaker effect, more hp/EP cost, loss of control
Telekinetics 2 Spatial Awareness 12 Cast, close your eyes and concentrate for a 5-minute ritual. Until you open your eyes, you can percieve your physical surroundings in a wire-frame view within 10m, incuding seeing through nearby walls. More distance, more detail, etc Weaker effect, more hp/EP cost, loss of control
Telekinetics 2 Gust of Wind 12 Cast to create strong winds within 15m radius while you concentrate. Strong enough to slam doors, but not strong enough by default to knock down non-drunk people. More area, more power, more control, etc Weaker effect, more hp/EP cost, loss of control
Telekinetics 2 Feather Fall 12 As a reaction, commit your concentration to slow the fall of 2 people, animals, robots or objects. The fall is slowed to a safe and gentle descent, but you must continue to be able to see the target(s). Maximum duration 1 hour. More targets, more effects, more control, etc Less targets, weaker effect, more hp/EP cost, loss of control
Telekinetics 3 TK Manipulation III: 50kg, 3 obj 14 As I, but 50kg total and up to 3 objects. More objects, more weight, more control, etc Weaker effect, more hp/EP cost, loss of control
Telekinetics 3 TK Assault Target's TN As an action, fling all of your floating objects, or nearby qualifying objects such as a crate or a sword in your hand, towards one or more enemies. Damage depends on objects but is typically 4 per object. More damage, effects, targets. Less effect, more hp/EP cost, or unintended consequences.
Telekinetics 3 TK Pull Target's TN Attack Spell. As an action, you try to either disarm your enemy or pull away some other object an enemy is wearing or carrying within 20m of you. Examples include a weapon, helmet grenade, belt, or satchel. The stolen item is pulled to your outstretched hand. More targets and effects and control. Weaker effect, it may only be pulled halfway, or cost more hp/sp points.
Telekinetics 3 TK Shove 14 Attack Spell. As an action, you project a wave of force in a 3x6m rectangle originating from you. Creatures in that area are shoved prone and pushed back by 2m. More power, bigger effect, finer control, added damage, etc. Smaller area of effect or greater hp/EP cost
Telekinetics 3 Protective Field 14 as an action, you commit concentration and create a telekinetic protection field around one consenting or inanimate target within 10m, lasting 10 minutes, with ONE of the following properties: Radiation protection; breathable air, gas filter, liquid filter, set pressure, set gravity, set temperature, etc. Does not work on enemies. This spell can help when vacuum suits fail. More targets, more effects, more power, more duration Greater hp/EP cost and lower duration.
Telekinetics 3 Gravity Well 14 As an action, you commit concentration and point to a spot within 20m. Gravity concentrates at that spot, pulling other objects and people close in to it within a 7m radius. They are pulled 3m at the start of their turn unless they grab onto a fixed object. Lasts up to 1 minute. More targets, more effects, more power, more duration Greater hp/EP cost and lower duration.
Telekinetics 4 TK Manipulation IV: 100kg, 4 obj 16 As I, but 100kg total and 4 objects. More objects, more weight, more control, etc Weaker effect, more hp/EP cost, loss of control
Telekinetics 4 Deceleration Shield Defense TN As a reaction, roll Telekinetics as a defense roll to decelerate one single projectile aimed at you to a dead stop. Can be cast up to your manipulation object limit. When cast, you can choose to replace any one TK Held object with this new object, or let it drop to the ground. More targets, can gain an automated duration, lesser EP cost You may take a small amount of damage or redirect the projectile elsewhere instead of decelerating it, or more EP cost.
Telekinetics 4 TK Deflection Defense As a reaction, while you have held objects, roll Telekinetics as a defense roll to use them to block an attack against yourself or an ally. If an attack is blocked, one object shatters, perhaps dangerously. More targets, can gain an automated duration, lesser EP cost You may take a small amount of damage or deflect the attack elsewhere instead of stopping it, or more EP cost.
Telekinetics 4 TK Dexterity 16 Cast as an action and concentrate to "TK Hold" an item that you want to finely manipulate at range. You could operate a computer at range, fire a gun at range, entangle someone in a rope, etc. Doing these activities will use your skill with that item, after the spell is cast. If it's far away or you can't easily see what you're doing, then you will likely be disadvantaged. Wield multiple floating weapons or tools, or enable someone else to use the spell's power. Lesser control of the objects.
Telekinetics 4 TK Grapple 16 as an action, attempt to use your core TK Manipulation power on an animate person, robot, or animal. Valid operations are restrain, move, levitate, up to 10m per round. Requires concentration. More targets, more control, more power. Greater hp/EP cost or lesser effect or too much effect.
Telekinetics 5 TK Manipulation V: 200kg, 5 obj 16 As I, but up to 200kg and 5 objects. More objects, more weight, more control, etc Weaker effect, more hp/EP cost, loss of control
Telekinetics 5 Magnetic Barrage Target's TN As an action, pull all the least-secured metal objects out of their fixings within 10m, and immediately fling them at enemies in a 20m cone. Damage is 20 with a decent amount of metal. Can partially or fully dismantle robots. More damage, area, effects Less damage, area, effects, more hp/EP cost, loss of control, attraction of a magnetic entity
Telekinetics 5 TK Choke Target's TN Cast on a target and concentrate to crush or choke part of their body with telekinetic force. This both restrains them and damages them with your choice of as little as 1 damage up to as much as 10 damage per round. Can be lethal or nonlethal. More damage and/or more complete restraint. Loss of control of the spell, potential calling of an invisible crusher.
Telekinetics 5 Redirect Projectile Defense As a defense roll when you are targeted by a projectile, attempt to redirect it towards another target. This works for physical, energy, and magical projectiles. Must obey your object and weight limit. More targets and more redirect power and control. Only deflect instead of redirect, take some damage, or cause an accident with the redirect.
Telekinetics 5 Transmutation 18 By spending many hours (depending upon the task), you can reshape one generally homogenous non-living object into another by sculpting the molecules, or separate a homogeneous substance into purified components. Examples include desalination of water, metal ore into swords, carbon into diamond, etc. Difficulty depends on context. This is generally slower than the industrial alternative, but requires no tools. When combined with good mundane skills and tools, results are superior to those achievable by industrial methods. Can be improved with crafting skill or art skill. Faster casting, better results. Slower casting, can be dangerous.
Telekinetics 6 Manipulation VI: 1000kg, 6 obj 20 As I, but 1000kg total and up to 6 objects. More objects, more weight, more control, etc Weaker effect, more cost, loss of control
Telekinetics 6 Earthquake 20 You cause a violent earthquake, centered on your location, for up to 5 minutes. Demands constant meditation checks. May damage or collapse buildings--very dangerous. Casting this on a space station is suicide. More power and finer control. Disaster.
Telekinetics 6 Alchemical Assembly 20 By spending a long time (1-7+ days) in focus and concentration, and with the appropriate materials, assistance, and understanding (or a scientist and engineer friend), you can fabricate tools, weapons, and machines at the molecular level by telekinetically rearranging atoms, even sub-atomic particles, creating ultra-tech products in the way of the ancient empires. This causes exhaustion for you. Requires skill in science and crafting. You create more, faster, or more powerful devices. You end up with unstable atoms or cursed artifacts.

Spell School Level = Cost Spell Name TN to Cast Description Suggested Bonuses Suggested Costs
Telepathy 1 Read Emotions 10 Cast on a visible and unaware or consenting target. As an instantaneous effect, you learn the strongest few emotions and a word or image associated with them. When any telepathy spell is used, the targets are not necessarily aware of the intrusion unless trained in telepathy or metaphysics. Aware and nonconsenting targets may resist an otherwise successful cast. All telepathy spells do not work on robots or other players. You still must make your normal casting sign, but the target might not notice if distracted by conversation. You get more information. You get less information or may accidentally reveal your own emotions, or it costs more EP/HP.
Telepathy 2 Synaptic Shock 12 Cast this to cause intense pain and 4 nonlethal psychic damage to a visible target withim 10m. More range, targets, power. Might be weaker, cause you pain, send unwanted information, or it costs more EP/HP.
Telepathy 2 Send Thoughts 12 Can cast this to establish contact and send and receive thoughts from one visible consenting target. Only affects intentionally sent thoughts. No common language is necessary. Lasts up to 10 minutes per cast. Concentration. More range, targets, power. Communication is difficult and some concepts are lost in transit, or it costs more EP/HP.
Telepathy 2 Send Emotion 12 Can cast this to send one generic, mild emotion to a visible target within 10m. Fear, anxiety, relaxation, joy, etc. Works on animals. Concentrate for up to 10 minutes. You can send a stronger emotion or affect two targets. More EP/HP cost or you may accidentally reveal your own emotions.
Telepathy 2 Hidden Sensor Target's TN As an action, concentrate and touch a target person or animal, consenting or nonconsenting, and cast. For 10 minutes thereafter, while they remain within 25m, you can choose to remain still, close your eyes and sense what that person senses. More targets, more duration, more information. They become aware, the mark becomes visible, or it costs more EP/HP.
Telepathy 2 Mind Meld 12+ Cast this in a 5-minute ritual while touching a consenting or restrained target to temporarily merge thoughts and memories. Both parties experience both minds at once. It can be overwhelming and exhausting, especially if done without trust. Faster casting time, more information transfer, slight control over some elements not shared. You share entirely too much, one or both parties become mentally Exhausted, or it costs more EP/HP.
Telepathy 2 Sudden Reflex Target's TN Cast to cause a sudden and seemingly involuntary reflex in a visible target--i.e., a soldier holding a gun to shoot, a worker to drop a heavy carried object, a driver to swerve, vomiting or coughing, etc More targets or stronger effects. It becomes clear to witnesses that you were doing something psychic, or it costs more EP/HP.
Telepathy 3 Read Thoughts Target's TN Can cast this to read surface thoughts, but not memories. Target must be visible and within 10 meters. Lasts up to 10 minutes per cast. More information or more targets. Less information or greater hp/EP cost or more obvious casting.
Telepathy 3 Amplify Emotions Highest Target TN Cast to affect all emotional creatures in a 5m circle somewhere that you can see within 20m. Their emotions are amplified for 10 minutes. Frustration becomes anger, fear becomes hate, Attraction becomes passion, etc. More range, duration, targets. May affect the wrong targets or fewer targets or for less duration.
Telepathy 3 Sense Hostility 14 Cast to sense hostile living beings within 100m that want to hurt, kill, block or incapacitate you. You get a vague sense of direction. More information and range. May be more costly to EP/HP, less information, or an unintended consequence of your sensor.
Telepathy 3 Distant Thoughts 14 Cast to use Send Thoughts, i.e. communicate mentally with a target, at a distance of up to 100 km with no sight requirement. Can't use nonconsensual techniques. Targets can answer or ignore the call. More range: 16=1000km, 18=1ly, 20=5ly, alternatively, more targets. Less range, less clear communication, or it costs more EP/HP
Telepathy 3 Veracity Field 14 10-minute ritual. Cast to make it impossible to lie in a 10m cube for 4 hours. Concentration. Targets aren't aware of this unless trained in telepathy or Metaphysics. Does not prevent misleading but true statements. You can also sense misleading statements or questions. Targets are aware of the field, or it costs more EP/HP.
Telepathy 3 Suppress Thought Target's TN Cast to suppress a certain thought in a target for 5 minutes. Concentration. Sudden danger, alarm or physical trauma will break the spell. More power and precision. They become suspicious of you, or it costs more EP/HP.
Telepathy 4 Read One Memory Target's TN Cast as an action on a visible target within 10m to read one specific memory, once per cast. Requires concentration for a few seconds while it's working. Suppressed memories may require higher spells. More information They become suspicious or hostile towards you, or you accidentally share your own thoughts, emotions, or memories, or it costs more EP/HP.
Telepathy 4 Sense Emotion 1km 16 Cast to sense living beings with a specific emotion within 1km. You get a vague sense of identity, intensity and direction. More information and range. May be more costly to EP/HP, less information, or an unintended consequence of your sensor.
Telepathy 4 Shared Senses 16 Cast and concentrate to allow all party members to share senses while you maintain concentration. Also opens a telepathic chat channel. Causes minor psychic damage until people get used to it, or it costs more sp.
Telepathy 4 Sleep Target's TN Cast and concentrate on a visible target within 10m to try to put one non-combatant target to sleep for up to 1 hour. Might work in combat. Might last longer Might cost more of your EP/HP, might not last very long, might merely cause exhaustion, or their sleep is plagued by nightmares.
Telepathy 4 Hypnosis Target's TN Cast as part of a long conversation ritual in a calm context with a nonviolent person. They become extremely vulnerable to suggestion by you and your allies. Lasts up to 1 hour, after which you can make them sleep or wake up without rolling. Faster casting, stronger suggestions. They fear you, or slower casting, or more EP/HP cost.
Telepathy 4 Send group emotion Highest Target TN Cast to send a single generic emotion to a group of up to 5 targets. Lasts up to 10 minutes. More targets, stronger effects, longer duration They all get a strong emotion but not the one you chose, more EP/HP cost, fewer targets, shorter duration
Telepathy 4 Mental Assault Target's TN Cast on an enemy to cause 10 psychic damage and partially stun them (reduce their next turn to just 1 action). This can be lethal or non. More targets, more power, more effects Weaker or Unintended effects, you may invite a psionic predator, or it costs more EP/HP
Telepathy 5 Read Memory Category 18 Read a target and learn up to one whole category of memory before losing the connection. Repressed or guarded memories may require "enter dream" instead. More information Less information, suspicion, accidental sharing, more EP/HP cost
Telepathy 5 Temporary Insanity Highest target TN Cast as an action on a group of up to 5 living targets within 20m to make them temporarily insane for up to 1 hour. You cannot control what the result will be, but it will certainly be far from their current state. This may cause permanent trauma in targets. Finer control, more targets. You lose control of the effect, which may involve other people, or may invite a psychic daemon.
Telepathy 5 Enter Dream 18 Cast as a 10 minute ritual to allow your party to enter the target's sleeping mind in order to retrieve, change, destroy, or insert all possible memories and thoughts. This spell cannot fail, the roll only determines the initial safety of the dream you enter. Time in real life is almost drastically slowed while this happens. Your bodies do not exist in real life while this happens. You start in the dream better situated and better equipped. You start in the dream poorly situated and poorly equipped.
Telepathy 5 Switch Minds 18 4 hour ritual. You completely, totally and permanently switch the complete brain-data of 2 consenting or restrained targets. (result is not considered magical and can't be dispelled.) Exhausts you and them. You can be one of the targets. Faster casting, lower EP cost. Horrific results. One of the targets' souls may be lost or eaten by a psionic daemon.
Telepathy 5 Copy Mind 18 4 hour ritual. You completely and permanently copy the psyche and memories of one person, and place this new copy into another person, completely overwriting the victim's mind. The target will be Exhausted. From that point on, the two copies will diverge. Faster casting, lower EP cost. It goes horribly wrong. You may merge bodies, create an evil twin or worse.
Telepathy 5 Paralyze 18 Cast as an action to attempt to totally paralyze a target that is within 10m of you in line of sight. Lasts for up to 1 minute with concentration. More targets, add damage or other effects. You lose control of the spell, the effect is lessened or costs more SP.
Telepathy 6 Read Mind 20 Cast to establish a complete connection to know anything the target consciously knows that is not suppressed or guarded in their mind. Lasts as long as they are visible to you. Might not access repressed or guarded memories. More information. Less information.
Telepathy 6 Mind Control 20 Cast as an action on a target within 10m of you and concentrate. You attempt to completely dominate the target's mind and control them for up to 1 hour. This causes a long-term traumatic effect. Be glad it worked. You and the target become temporarily mind-controlled by a third party entity.
Telepathy 6 Mass Paralyze 20 Cast to attempt to paralyze a group of biological enemies in a 5' radius circle within 20m of you. Concentration for up to 1 minute. Be glad it worked. You may lose control of the effect, creating a semi-sophont roving aura of paralysis, or worse.
Telepathy 6 Heal Mental Trauma 20 Spend 1 week of multi-hour daily rituals with a target to heal any kind of psychic trauma and render them immune to that trauma in the future. Requires consent. Failure means more time is needed. Faster casting Slower casting (additional week needed)
Telepathy 6 Erase Memories 20 With a 30-minute ritual, you can browse through a consenting or restrained target's memories and selectively erase them. These memories will be permanently erased and can never be retrieved by any mundane or magic skill. If the target is unwilling, this may cause mental trauma that is inexplicable to them and may eventually lead to suicide. Insanity or suspicion may arrive in a matter of weeks. Insanity or suspicion may arrive in a matter of hours.

Spell School Level = Cost Spell Name TN to Cast Description Suggested Bonuses Suggested Costs
Teleportation 1 Core Personal TP: 4m 10 Teleport yourself and worn/carried items up to 4m away.
  • Valid target locations are places you can see, and places you have been before and are unchanged since that time.
  • You cannot teleport into a place that you haven't been and can't see, or that would cause instant death, or a moving vehicle.
  • You must know the general direction and distance to your target.
  • Teleportation spells cause a bright flash and a booming noise.
  • Core and core-upgraded teleportation has a cooldown time requirement, usually their distance in meters measured in minutes. You must wait it out before using another teleport.
You get more range, more fine control of the result and may be able to take more with you/move other things you want to move. Less accuracy, more EP/HP cost, or you, and bad things, may end up somewhere bad, or may lose the ability to teleport for some time.
Teleportation 2 Core Personal TP: 16m 12 Range upgraded to 16m. Restrictions same, and cooldown is 16 minutes. You get more range, more fine control of the result. Less accuracy, more EP/HP cost, or you, and bad things, may end up somewhere bad.
Teleportation 2 Sense Rifts 12 This spell allows you to sense and locate holes, tunnels, rips, and weak points in the fabric of spacetime. This can be used to find new dimensions, planes, hyperlanes, wormholes, and stargates. More information and wider range. Less information, or you awaken unwelcome hidden forces.
Teleportation 3 Core Personal TP: 64m 14 Range upgraded to 64km, restrictions same, and cooldown is 64 minutes. You get more range, more fine control of the result and may be able to take more with you/move other things you want to move. Less a ccuracy, more EP/HP cost, or you, and bad things, may end up somewhere bad.
Teleportation 3 Cargo Jump +X DC, +X points You can add +X points and +X DC to take large items OR allies with you on a teleport. GM determines the number based on amount of cargo. User must be touching all of the things/people to take. Targeted people or vehicles must be consenting or incapacitated. User must go with the items. Core restrictions apply. Casting time is 1 minute. You get more range, more fine control of the result and may be able to take more with you/move other things you want to move. This spell can be very dangerous on a failed casting. A psychic losing control of her spell may have to decide whether she prioiritzes right distance, right direction, safety, or togetherness more.
Teleportation 3 Anchor Mark 14 While maintaining concentration, you can take 5 minutes to physically make an arcane mark on a person, place, or item within 1 km. Then, without rolling again, you can TP right to it. You get a vague remote sense of the degree of safety. More dangerous, or more EP/HP cost
Teleportation 4 Core Personal TP: 256m 16 Range upgraded to 256m, same restrictions. Cooldown time is 256 minutes. You get more range, more fine control of the result and may be able to take more with you/move other things you want to move. Less accuracy, more EP cost, or you, and bad things, may end up somewhere bad.
Teleportation 4 Stealth Jump UPGRADE to core power The core power can now be used with only a quiet sound and a swirl of blue smoke. When you use this upgrade, increase the point cost and TN by +1. Does not affect the cooldown. N/a Upgrade N/a Upgrade
Teleportation 4 Flicker 16 Cast as an action and concentrate. For up to 1 hour, your presence flickers around your location in a blur. Advantage on all defense rolls and it is difficult for anyone to identify you. If an attack would still hit you, you can use your reaction to teleport away using the basic TP rules, negating that hit if you succeed. Doing so ends the flicker. More power, duration, effects More EP/HP cost, less duration
Teleportation 4 Phasing 16 Cast as an action on a target person and concentrate. For up to 1 hour, the person is partially phased out of this dimension and partially into a quiet, liminal dimension. You take half all damage and can peer through thin walls and floors, but have disadvantage on your own physical interaction attempts. More control, better effects, can choose to phase in and out of the liminal dimensions Less control, more dangerous, may slip into unsafe dimensions, may cost more EP/HP
Teleportation 4 Sequestration Target's TN By touching a person or animal, you can temporarily teleport them to a random, generally harmless world or dimension that the GM chooses, for up to 5 minutes while you concentrate. The caster does not know where the target goes or what they find there. When concentration or duration ends, the target reappears in a random space near you. They can bring with them any items they can carry. More control over the duration, destination or return placement. They may not come back on schedule, the destination may be dangerous, or you may bring back something bad.
Teleportation 4 Scatter 16 Cast as an action on visible biological targets within 10m. Spreads up to 6 targets randomly to (relatively) safe places within 64m radius. Difficult to control. Finer control and range. They may end up in a bad place with a bad person.
Teleportation 5 Core Personal TP: 1024m 18 Range upgraded to 1024m, same restrictions. Cooldown time is 1 hour. You get more range, more fine control of the result and may be able to take more with you/move other things you want to move. Less accuracy, more EP/HP cost, or you, and bad things, may end up somewhere bad.
Teleportation 5 Offensive Intrusion 18 Use this spell to TP yourself and worn/carried items into a moving vehicle or place you can't see or haven't been, within 1024m, with the safest possible placement, though you do not control exact placement or know what you might find there. You may get a premonition of better placement. You end up in a non-ideal place.
Teleportation 5 Banishment 18 By touching a person or creature, you can teleport them to a random (GM-chosen) location up to 1km away without needing their consent, and while keeping yourself stationary. Finer control and better range You may accidentally clone them or may never know where they ended up.
Teleportation 5 Recall 18 You attempt to bring allied and consenting people, vehicles and equipment within your max range, to your location, safely. The area of effect is a 10m radius circle. Cannot teleport buildings. The allies must prepare with proper arcane markings which takes about an hour to do for 24 people, and casting the spell is a 2-hour ritual. Be glad when it works safely. Potentially catastrophic loss.
Teleportation 5 Summon 18 You attempt to teleport a single person or entity within your core range, into your presence with or without their consent. You must know them and their current location in detail. The entity is not guaranteed to be pleased, but will be safe on a success (assuming your current location is a safe environment for them). If the entity is a magic user, they may increase the difficulty, use counterspell, or other methods of resistance. You get more control. They get more control.
Teleportation 5 Quantum Incision 18 30-minute ritual, concentrate. You attempt to open a new rift into another dimension (i.e. borderworld, hyperspace, plane of shadows, mirror universe, inferno, etc) in an unoccupied space within 10m. Even on a perfect success, this is not guaranteed to be safe. The rift you create is unstable and will close within 5 minutes. Less danger. There is no limit to the horrific disasters this can cause, even if it works as intended.
Teleportation 6 Core Personal TP: 1000km (Orbital Jump) 20 Range upgraded to 1000km (orbital). Same restrictions. Can be used to jump from/to allied ships in orbit & orbital stations. Cooldown time is 8 hours. You get more range, more fine control of the result and may be able to take more with you/move other things you want to move. Less accuracy, more EP cost, or you, and bad things, may end up somewhere bad.
Teleportation 6 Instant Delivery 20 1-day ritual. You attempt to teleport an item that is smaller than 1m^3, such as a small bomb or robot, to a core-valid location within your maximum range, without your accompaniment. Casting this spell requires a blind roll (Roll so that the GM can see but you cannot). You can include multiple or larger items, longer distances. All kinds of problems can occur.
Teleportation 6 Stargate 20 With a 6-hour ritual, you transform a metal-hyperion-alloy frame into a permanently active stargate (until dispelled or destroyed). This is an permanent, noisy, brightly glowing portal that can transport terrestrial beings and vehicles up to 50 light years away or to other dimensions, near-instantly, making use of a hyper-compressed liminal dimension. A good engineer friend is important here for good results. The otherside of the gate is a magically duplicated linked-mirror copy of the original. The portal will remain active until dispelled or destroyed. Maximum portal radius is 15m, enough for elephants and/or battlemechs to pass through. This is a legendary spell that enables the rapid spread of powerful empires. Bigger sized gates and faster casting. There is no limit to the apocalyptic disaster that a malfunctioning stargate can cause. Demonic invasion and causality fractures are only the beginning. However, you may not notice your failure at first.

Spell School Level = Cost Spell Name TN to Cast Description Suggested Bonuses Suggested Costs
Vivithurgy 1 Arcane Healing I: 1d4 10 You use your healing power to heal 1d4 hp to a living biological target with an action. Does not heal conditions. Must touch. For every additional 2 units you roll above 10, add +1d4. More healing. Unintended mutations, or damage, or greater EP/HP cost.
Vivithurgy 1 Scaleskin 10 Spend 1 action and concentrate to improve a single nearby target's damage reduction by +2, by increasing the toughness of their skin. Lasts 1 hour. More power, effects, duration, targets. Less power, effects, duration, targets, or higher EP/HP cost, or unintended mutations.
Vivithurgy 2 Arcane Healing II: 2d4 12 You heal 2d4 hp to a living biological target, as one action. Does not heal conditions. Must touch. More healing and better effects. Unintended mutations, or damage, or greater EP/HP cost.
Vivithurgy 2 Sense Life 12 Cast and concentrate to sense plant and animal life within 100m. More range, more information. Less range, less info, costs more or alerts enemies.
Vivithurgy 2 Revive Varies Based on Wound Cast and concentrate for a 40 minute ritual to try to magically stabilize a dying person or animal. Faster casting, faster recovery. Lasting scars, longer casting time.
Vivithurgy 2 Strength Enhancement 12 Choose a target person within 20m. Cast and concentrate for an amount of time up to 1 minute to cause that person to make athletics, melee, crafting and brawl checks with +1 advantage die. More power, effects, duration, targets. Less power, effect, duration, targets, more EP/HP costs or unintended consequences.
Vivithurgy 3 Arcane Healing III: 3d4 14 You heal 3d4 hit points to a target, as one action. Does not heal conditions. More healing and better effects. Unintended mutations, or damage, or greater EP/HP cost.
Vivithurgy 3 Plant Growth 14 Cast as an action. Target a square area of existing plants that is 7x7 meters. These plants immediately grow to standard mature height - tall grass, trees, vines etc. Grow more plants, can restore dead plants to life Less effect, or greater costs from you in sp or hp.
Vivithurgy 3 Forced Life 14 Cast as an instantaneous reaction, selecting a target ally that is taking a hit that would potentially kill them. Concentrate. You keep them at 1hp during a combat, preventing dying status and any loss of consciousness as long as you concentrate until the battle or danger is over. Further damage to that target requires a re-cast from you, instantly. Heavy weapons and overwhelming force will still instantly kill the target. If you lose concentration before the end of the battle, they fall to dying status. You can add more healing to the effect. Unintended mutations and other changes may occur to your target, or more EP/HP cost.
Vivithurgy 3 Impact Distribution 14 Cast as an action on yourself and your party. For up to 1 hour, damage taken by any one of the members is evenly divided among all, but always rounded up and floored at 2. More targets or duration. Less effect, or greater costs from you in sp or hp.
Vivithurgy 3 Facial Distortion 14 Cast as 5-minute ritual. Reshape a target's face to appear to be someone else, for up to 1 hour, with good accuracy. Alternatively, either give them +1 advantage die on social interactions or roll with 2d10 + skill for social interactions for the duration. Can add Art skill to the roll. More power, control, effects, or duration. Unintended results and unwanted consequences, or greater EP/HP cost.
Vivithurgy 3 Minor Adaptation 14 Reshape a willing target's body to gain one minor environmental adaptation that you are aware of, for up to 4 hours. Claws, climbing pads, Gills, glider wings, radiation-absorbtion glands, oil-breathing, etc. Causes exhaustion in the target after expiration. Can add animals skill. Cannot grant flight. Takes 10 minutes to cast. You can perhaps add 2 different minor adaptations at once. Unintended mutations, damage, or unwanted permanency, or more EP/HP cost from you.
Vivithurgy 3 Dexterity Enhancement 14 Choose a target person within 20m. Cast and concentrate for an amount of time up to 1 minute to cause that person to make art, science, stealth, shooting, and crafting checks with +1 advantage die. Does not work on long term projects. More power, effects, duration, targets. Less power, effect, duration, targets, more EP/HP costs or unintended consequences.
Vivithurgy 4 Arcane Healing IV: 4d4 16 You heal 4d4 hit points to a target, as one action. Does not heal conditions. More healing and effects Unwanted mutations, greater EP/HP cost, or potential damage
Vivithurgy 4 Harm Target's TN Touching an enemy biological target, you deal 12 nonlethal pain damage and severely cripple the target in one specific way: brain, legs, hands, etc. Extremely painful. They will recover their faculties after a full day of good rest. More damage and effects and targets and range Less effect or greater EP/HP cost, or loss of control
Vivithurgy 4 Enlarge Creature 16 As an action, concentrate and enlarge a target person or animal by up to twice its normal size. Cannot cast on yourself. Duration 10 minutes. Greater enlargement power, more targets or finer control Loss of control, more EP/HP cost, or unintended effects
Vivithurgy 4 Shrink Creature Target's TN, or 16 if consenting As an action, concentrate and shrink a target person or animal by up to half its normal size. Duration 10 minutes. Greater shrinkage power, more targets or finer control Loss of control, more EP/HP cost, or unintended effects
Vivithurgy 4 Viral Inception Target's TN Touching a target, you seed in their flesh a secret virus that will kill them via aneurysm within 4-8 weeks. Requires touch. Better control on higher rolls. Greater power or control Loss of control, more EP/HP cost, or unintended effects
Vivithurgy 4 UPGRADE: Mass Heal 16 You can now choose to upgrade you core healing techniques to also heal all selected targets within 10 meters of the caster. The TN is +4 when you use this upgrade, and the EP cost is increased by +4. N/a Upgrade N/a Upgrade
Vivithurgy 4 Cure Condition Varies by condition 1-hour ritual. You attempt to use magic to cure status ailments such as Disease/Poison/Paralysis/Blindness/Deafness. Better rituals significantly improve results. Each individual affliction (every unique disease, poison, etc) has a different TN set by the GM. You also heal the target or cure multiple targets. Magic cannot cure this condition; an alternative solution must be pursued.
Vivithurgy 4 Cure Exhaustion 16 10-minute ritual. Each casting cures 1 level of exhaustion in a target. Also heal the target, cure more targets or cure more exhaustion. Exhausts the caster, doubles the target's exhaustion, or drains more of your EP/HP.
Vivithurgy 4 Shapeshifting 16 Cast as a 10-minute ritual and concentrate. You may add +1d[Animals skill] to this roll. For up to 8 hours, you transform yourself or a consenting ally into an animal that you know well that is within one size category of a humanoid (for example, housecat or panther). Animal details vary, but pre-existing wounds and conditions carry over. The target can then do things that animal can do for the duration, while retaining their mental statistics, memory and personality. After the spell ends, target must take 10 minutes of inactivity to de-transform, and gains one exhaustion level. More power and control, can include healing or special abilities, or be a somewhat fictional animal. Less control over the animal type and the animal personalitity may occasionallly assert, or the spell may cost more EP/HP from the caster.
Vivithurgy 5 Arcane Healing V: 5d4 18 You heal 5d4 hit points to a target, as one action. Does not heal poisons or exhaustion. More power and effects. Less power, unwanted effects, or more hp/EP costs
Vivithurgy 5 Permanent Mutation 18 With an 8-hour ritual, add up to one (maximum) permanent mutation to an ally, affecting less than 50% of the body. You can add your medicine skill. This includes restoring lost body parts, gender reassignment, or increasing a physical or social skill by +1. Takes 8 hours and, on success, gives +1 exhaustion to subject. No one can apply more than 1 total effect to a subject with this spell or any others. Whether it succeeds or fails, the results cannot be dispelled and are real. Finer control over results. Baleful disaster.
Vivithurgy 5 Hypertrophy 18 Cast as an action to temporarily give a consenting target bulging muscles, advantage on all physical rolls, +5 damage with melee and brawl, and set health points to a maximum of 40 (current is pro-rata). Requires concentration. The target cannot concentrate on spells. Cannot cast on yourself. Lasts 1 minute, target gains +1 exhaustion afterward. Better results and control. Temporary or permanent mutation or insanity.
Vivithurgy 5 Torment Target's TN By touching a target, you immediately add 2 to a target's exhaustion (i.e., give them disadvantage on all rolls), as well as 6 nonlethal psychic damage. They are now in extreme unrelenting pain. Concentrate to repeat the effects again each round with no additional rolls needed. This causes permanent psychological trauma. Better power and control. Weaker, more costly, or unintended consequences.
Vivithurgy 6 Arcane Healing VI: 6d4 20 You can stabilize AND heal a target of up to 6d4 HP as an action. Does not heal poisons or exhaustion. More power, targets and effects. Weaker, more costly, or loss of control.
Vivithurgy 6 Resurrection 20+ You attempt to revive a corpse. Base TN is 20, but varies based on the corpse's condition, and the status of the soul, in addition to ritual details and other factors. Even on a successful cast, some temporary or permanent mutation, sickness, or other changes are likely. Merely 1 or 2 problems with the resurrection: Recurring nightmares, mutations, etc. Horrific and terrible results.
Vivithurgy 6 Lifeshaping 20+ You attempt to shape new life forms out of suitable amounts of hydrocarbons based on a given description. Each attempt takes 24 hours, leaving you Exhausted for 1 week. It is recommended to have someone skilled in animals or science to draw up a plan before you begin. The lifeform is viable to some degree, if suitable conditions exist. You create an abomination.
Vivithurgy 6 Transformation 20 24-hour ritual. Completely and permanently transform the bodily features of a willing biological participant into something else biological. The results are nonmagical. Leaves them and you with +1 exhaustion. Can borrow flesh from sacrificial victims if more is needed. The results are viable. You create an abomination.